Aquatic Kickboxing

Aquatic Kickboxing

Ages:  14+ Years Old

Coached by Zena Leonard

Aquatic kickboxing is a shallow water workout. It combines the benefits of water resistance with the fun and energy of cardio boxing. Moves include kicks, punches, jump rope, abdominal and muscular endurance all set to high energy music!

February Session

All Locations
2/12/25 - 2/26/25

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-Member
Early Registration 1/24/25 2/5/25 Online / Front Desk $ 30.00$ 45.00
Late Registration 2/6/25 2/19/25 Online / Front Desk $ 35.00$ 50.00

Available Sessions

Date(s) Spots
02/12/25 - 02/26/25
We - 6:45 pm - 45 mins
12 / 25 Available Register  